maandag 21 juli 2008

Pinbot Repair Log 21 July 2008

Again we did not get much repairing; we have no idea what we need to fix, rubber bands aside. We did discover that the rubber band that was around the visor, shouldn't go there.
We also discovered the ramp* does not stay up: it falls down a little after it moved itself in the high position. It's so low the ball doesn't fit underneath.
And I made a large number of photos from the table, to monitor the damage. Above is one. There is something on the right side of this lane that has broken off. Cool shot, anyway.

And: we found an Eight-Ball pinball machine at a second-hand store. We left it there, although I'm kinda wishing we'd bought it. We need to finish this one first!

*Ramp: special type of lane that you can shoot the ball into for points. The ramp on PinBot hovers over the board and can only be accessed if you lowered a see-saw enough to allow the ball to roll on.

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