Yesterday the new transistor arrived in the mail. It is not the same as the old one, hope it doesn't do any harm. We soldered it onto the circuit panel, then put the panel back in the headboard.
We started it up again. No dice. It still does the same, after repairing the solenoid and the circuit board. I made a video, hope I can upload it later.
We also performed the mechanics test, where one by one all the mechanical functions are activated. These include the flippers, the ball ejection into the plunger area, the visor of the robot moving up and down, ejection of the drop targets* and the ramp going up and down.
We ran it a couple of times. Indeed we fixed SOMETHING with the solenoid: the left slingshot* now bounces back. Unfortunately it seemed like more and more things were breaking down during the test. The visor and the drop targets became stuck. With some manual assistance they worked again.
I'm very worried about it. Hopefully it may get fixed simply by cleaning. It's after all incredibly dirty.
1 Drop Targets: little upright items that fall down when hit. Usually there are a few in a row, and if you hit them all you earn something special.
2 Slingshot: Triangular thing that usually appears near the drain, above the flippers. When the ball hits them, points are received and the ball is pushed away from the slingshot by a little mechanical pusher.
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